The Dark Angel | Teen Ink

The Dark Angel

August 6, 2009
By Anonymous

She steps out into the moonlight slowly with a small grin,
For she knew that that was the only way light would let her in,
She closes her eyes as the wind blew against her long black hair,
She almost cried as she thought it was unfair,
She couldn't feel the cool breeze against her pale skin,
But she loved to imagine the feeling again and again,
She opened those bright gray eyes onto the moon,
The sun was going to kill her light very soon,
The tears slowly flowed down her face as she thought
"Why did this demon give me this fate?"
She wanted to die, but she knew now that it was too late,
The sun slowly rose and she shook with fear,
For the birds and the happy humans she would soon hear,
She turned away quickly into her dark abyss,
She regretted letting him give her the demon's kiss,
For he gave her a curse none like any other,
She's the dark angel, something that she wished she could cover.

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