Why | Teen Ink


July 24, 2009
By Madison SILVER, Burin, Other
Madison SILVER, Burin, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cant get rid of this feeling
your always on my mind
I cant help but feel that I love you
Why do I love you so
Why cant I get rid of this feeling
like I need you day in and day out
I love you
I need you
I want you
But I cant have you
I do not know
Why do I make mistakes I shouldnt make?
I dont want to make mistakes
that makes me lose the ones I love
I dont know why I loose everyone I love
why cant I just keep them
Why am I not ment to be happy?
Why cant I be happy?
Why do I always end up being the one with tears in her eyes?
I hate how much you make me cry
why do you make me cry so much
I love you
but you dont love me
What is it about me you cant love?
Why do you love her so?
Baby why?
Why do I love you so?
I dont know why
why there is so much love
in my heart for you
Why cant you just leave my heart?
you love her
not me
so why cant I just let you go?
I cant
It kills me
every second
Why cant I just let go?
cant someone help me escape
escape wat I feel
I cant help but love you
you just wont leave me
my heart is full of
you and me
Its all I think of
Why wont it go away
I cant escape it
I cant
escape it
and all of the pain
It hurts so much
why dose it have to be like this
why cant I just be normal

Why cant I have a heart full of love
not heartbreak
Why cant it be full
not broken down the middle
I love you so much
it hurts
Why dose it hurt so?

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