Say It Now | Teen Ink

Say It Now MAG

By Anonymous

Take your final bow child
Take it with somepride
This is the last time they'll ever see your face
So whathave you got to hide
Maybe they'll adore you
And maybe, you know... they won't
If they hate you that's okay
Because it isn't yourfault - not in any kind of way
Don't be afraid, not today, not thislast chance
You may never see these friends again
What facesyou've known, and opportunities you've blown
Don't blow this one, notthis last chance
Anything that's been left unsaid
You'd better sayit now
There's no time after curtain call
It's all over when youtake your final bow
You all will take a different path
And walkyour separate journeys
Once in a while you can peer through thefence
To see how far along the others have come
But this is yourlast chance
Don't be afraid, not today, not this last chance

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 2 2010 at 7:34 pm
CiCiJoLee BRONZE, Moorestown, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
confucius mixes logic with poetic phrases. His quotes are like poem<3

This is pretty good i like it:)

but im a little confused..why do some pairs of words have no space? i doubt u did them accidentaly. it doesn't seem like it..