Fish in the Sea | Teen Ink

Fish in the Sea

August 2, 2009
By angeline cazeau BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
angeline cazeau BRONZE, Englewood, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

all eyes on me starring suspiciously
like I'm going to do something
I can already imagine what’s going to happen
you spotted the fish you’ve been trying to catch all day
here I am coming you’re way
weighing at 140lbs and brown
the prime catch of the day
following me around the store
there are just as many fish in the sea
why me?
There are other choices to choose from such as red, yellow and green
you continue to ask me
“Do you need help with anything?”
I told you countless times before I don’t need anything
so leave me alone
cant I just roam?
no, you continue to pursue me
my skin color is brown
so I'm classified under the species African American
does that automatically mean I'm a thief?
Is it written on my skin so everyone can see, but me?
Your eyes look at me with fear and disbelief
after you check the racks I just came from
come to find everything there nice and neat
Ha I am not what you imagined me to be
your disbelief amuses me but only to a certain point
you label me but I have done nothing to you
Upset and annoyed I leave the store

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