Love 4 a frosh | Teen Ink

Love 4 a frosh

March 14, 2009
By B3aTn!kBbY BRONZE, Porage, Indiana
B3aTn!kBbY BRONZE, Porage, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the moment I saw you 8-18-08 I knew you were all I ever wanted.

Being "addicted to him" over the summer. Was nothing compared to what I felt.

I look at you with curiousity. Im probably nothing more than a little girl in your eyes.

And were still staring at eachother hinting smiles as you make you speech.

As I get on the student council you flirt even more. Werew a secret because technically were illegal.

December 13 2008.

Winter formal we eye eachother like woah.

You have a girlfriend but we know how easily that can be fixed.

In the kitchen tearin up my heart thrashing in my sleep and calling you name.

Were Hiding.

Im in love with you.

We cant Stop. Not now not for awhile.

Cuz 3 is a number.

You were a toddler when i was born and we were both too young to know th meaning of love.

But we know now.

So....... if Romeo and Juliet could do it.

Wed be another story.

The author's comments:
ech one of my darker peices

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