Wishing by the Waterside | Teen Ink

Wishing by the Waterside

August 1, 2009
By Jill_Swartz BRONZE, San Diego, California
Jill_Swartz BRONZE, San Diego, California
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Aim for the moon because if you fall you will land somewhere among the stars."

During this fall crisp day. The leaves were blowing by the wind, and the breeze was making the old bridge make sounds it wouldn’t usually make. The stream that was about a half mile down had ripples in it from where the wind would hit. Trees were hanging over the stream giving it shade during those four months of summer but now they are a beautiful shade of brown mixed with yellow and orange. Couples would go down and throw pebbles into the water despite the cold air. I just walked along thinking and dreaming that someday that would be me. That I would be able to go down there and experience what others were feeling that day. As I made my way back home I noticed something that I never saw before. I saw the world stand still, everything disappeared, all that seemed to be moving was me and the river trickling beside my legs. Although it was probitaly for only a couple of seconds it felt like I was there for the whole day just watching and soaking up everything that this tranquil place had to offer me. I felt that if I closed my eyes I could feel a whirlwind sweep around me picking me up from the ground so that I was floating in the air. Whenever I come to this place it makes me feel like I can just relax, it made me go back to the feeling that everyone wishes they still had. The feeling of being a child with no care in the world and all you had to worry about was what you were going to do the next day. I started walking slowly back home knowing that this fantasy I was dreaming of would never come true. But then all of a sudden I heard a voice saying to me “ Come here.” I knew almost in half a second that it was him. The person that one day I would go down to the lake and throw pebbles with and he would walk with me and would feel the same way I do about this place. Then I knew it. My dream had been fulfilled. I had no more waiting and wishing. Thinking and dreaming. But now I didn’t have to wish or wait or think or dream. It was all just being given to me like I wanted. So I never turned around to see whom it was that was calling me. So now I can dream of a new thing. I can dream about what it would’ve been like if I would’ve turned around and seen who he was. But I guess for now all I can do is keep thinking and dreaming and waiting and wishing. And that is what my heart wants so I will let it lead me.

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This article has 1 comment.

jonswartz said...
on Aug. 9 2009 at 4:40 am
Great article/poem. It was so graphic and visual that I can imagine myself there too. I'm glad the author didn't turn around, it keeps it all a mystery.