Us, as we were | Teen Ink

Us, as we were

July 29, 2009
By musiconherarms BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
musiconherarms BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your lips are sweet as they kiss mine
they taste like chocolate and sugar.
I swear on their red pigment
that yours are the only lips I've ever loved,
but I could have once been mistaken:
I haven't always adored your lips.
Once, they were bitter and ugly.
They twisted into a monster,
and dared to dance on the lips of others.
They tantalized hearts that weren't mine,
and they were always looking for something more-
something sweeter; something better.
You haven't always adored my lips, either.
Mine were blessed with sweet adolescence-
they always talked with kids' words.
They said crude things, meant to break hearts.
They knew just how to make others cry;
They knew just how to hurt.
But we scrubbed our lips clean of their cruelty,
and they are new now:
They speak with kindness,
and they are loyal to us.
They no longer dance on any other lips but each others,
and they have learned to mend broken hearts.
They are better now; they speak with knowledge.
They have been perfected with time,
and we use them with wisdom.
We kiss each other now,
and know that our lips haven't always been this way:
We remember that they are old lips
who have seen the worst and who were the worst.
But we know now that with careful love
our lips will be faithful and adoring;
We know now that our lips were meant only to kiss one another;
We know now that only our lips are deserving of each others affection.
As you kiss me, I remember you haven't always adored my lips,
and I haven't always adored yours.
But all that matters is that your lips are sweet as they kiss mine:
they taste like chocolate and sugar.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was dating my exboyfriend. It's basically about our relationship (the woes, et cetera), and how we grew from that. It's one of the only good pieces of poetry I've written, honestly.

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This article has 1 comment.

rlesche said...
on Sep. 27 2009 at 6:03 pm
I meant to give this a 5 star rating not 2 star, clicked by by accident.. please rate to 5. excellent poem with alot of depth.