Why No One Likes Poetry | Teen Ink

Why No One Likes Poetry

July 14, 2009
By bethany94 BRONZE, Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
bethany94 BRONZE, Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one really likes poetry
Well, that’s coming from me
I mean have you seen that Emily Dickens?
As I read her poem, the plot never thickens
So hope is like a bird you say?
Well, I sure don’t see it that way…

And how about that Robert Frost?
All his poems just leave me lost…
E. E. Cummings was a pretty good writer
But to fix his grammar would required an all-nighter
And then comes along Edgar Allen Poe
He wrote about a raven, or was it a crow?

It’s just all this rhyming and stanzas and stuff
Well, putting it simply, I’ve had enough!
Just write a real story and stop messing around!
Stop thinking this child’s play is so very profound!
Anyone could write up a poem about sap!
But no one wants to put up with this poetry crap!

You all just say it’s your way to express
If I may say so myself, and it’s not hard to guess,
You all just are bored out of your head!
If you have nothing to do, than just go to bed!

And second of all, how do you come up with this stuff?
Think of Jabberwocky, all it is, is fluff
Do you just sit around thinking, what rhymes with this?
Then you come up with funny words like abyss

Now, it’s not like I have something against you
I just hate poetry, I really do!
In English class, I sit there, so bored
We just do poetry, the real stuff ignored
I mean, stories are better, can’t you see?
But, once again, that’s coming from me

The author's comments:
I'm obviously being a hypocrite, I am not actually bashing poetry.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 2 2009 at 3:00 am
Faithband3 BRONZE, Westbury, New York
1 article 0 photos 17 comments
I really like this poem. Although I do love to write my own poems, I find what this poet did as creative. This piece is one I enjoyed a lot.