Let's Start a Prime-Time Television Show | Teen Ink

Let's Start a Prime-Time Television Show MAG

By Anonymous

(after e.e. cummings)

Let's start a television show
And air itbetween the hours
of 8 and 10 p.m.
We can pick out black seeds
Ofsociety and implant them in a
Only to watchtheir
Eyes engulf each other,
Growing intoVenus's-flytraps.
They eat up flies, gnats,
And each other.

Let'sstart a television show,
Bringing hampers full of clothes
And theirmisfortunes
And their knives (pointed to one's back)
And their dirt
we may hang it up on clotheslines
for everyone to see.
The filthyclothes flap in the
Wind moving all about.
- very entertaining.

Whenall the clothes have dried,
And all other contestants are eliminated,
Weend up praising the winner,
A new millionaire,
The most famous sinner
Onprime-time television.

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