Drunk Driving is Dead Driving | Teen Ink

Drunk Driving is Dead Driving

July 23, 2009
By Courtney Stenberg BRONZE, Galesville, Wisconsin
Courtney Stenberg BRONZE, Galesville, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You go to the bar as you take a seat
talk with people you love to meet.
Drink down five, and some long ones too
you look around and get one new.

You walk out the door of the bar
walk real fast, approach your car.
Stick in the keys, after dropping them first
take one las sip to quench your unruley thirst.

Start driving down the long black road.
getting faster as you go.
The two yellow lines are now four
hit the gas and go a little more.

You take the back roads so you get caught
by a curous and wondering cop.
You see a few houses as you drive by
driving real fast, your begining to fly.

When all of a sudden your senses are impared.
Your hands are shaky,your defly scared.

For you hit a big bump in the road
don't no what it was, what a load.
You open the door, look under your car
you cry, you scream, you question from a far.

Pacing back and fourth at least twenty times.
If not drunk you would have stopped on a dime.

For the load underneath the car was a little bigger than you question from a far.
This load ahs on a cartoon shirt,
and bright jeans.
Probley and angel, never to be seen.

So tonight, on this night of all
you went out drinking had a ball.
Got in your car and killed a life
stabbed him like a powerfull knife.

Then he got in his car and drove fast
trying to forget this newfound past.
He drove real fast into a tree
so two people were dead on Fourth and Hickory.

One by tradegy, one by fate
two bad the alcohol kicked in so late.
He couldn't go home tell his kids what he had done
so he through the bottle and his life all in one.

If you drink and drive you maybe will kill
blood you may happen to spill.
So let someone else drive you
be smart not selfish too.

The author's comments:
This piece is really just about Drunk Driving and how it can kill. So please if your drinking don't get behind the wheel.

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