Winter | Teen Ink

Winter MAG

July 11, 2009
By julia kerstetter BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
julia kerstetter BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The earth is covered with a blanket of white that cushions my every step.
Its crystal glass surface is unbroken and gleams of the tiniest minnow.
Icicles shatter to pieces of light that do no more than dent the glass below.
The gentle wind brushes the snow off an oak's shoulder.
Somewhere a coyote slips soundlessly through the woods, leaving behind nothing but faint paw prints.
A sheet of ice hides the river's face like a veil.
Underneath, the crystal clear water looks up at the sky.
The sun peers through heavy gray clouds with bright eyes.
He looks down at me and smiles.
I open my eyes and blink the dreams away.
I imagine winter.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 19 2009 at 4:41 pm
Anna Kerstetter BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
Helooo! This poem is beautifully written. It is incredibly vivid and clear. Great work sista.