Save me | Teen Ink

Save me

July 10, 2009
By Doug-e-fre$h GOLD, Mission Hills, California
Doug-e-fre$h GOLD, Mission Hills, California
13 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm Lady Gaga, and i want your soul

Save me from the sins
That comes if I am unleashed.
Save me from the hell
That burns beneath my feet.
Save me from my blacken soul
Charred by the flames of hate.
Save me from calamitous disaster
Following my cruel fate.
Save me from these festering wounds
That never seem to heal.
Save me from my anguished heart
and all the pain I feel.
Save me from the jaws of death
I invite to be my friend.
Save me from my fiendish ways
And the garden of evil I tend.
Save me from these razor blades
That cause me so much harm.
Save me from the fountains of blood
That flow in torrents down my arms.
Save me from the armies of demons
That creep outside my door.
Save me from these hellish nightmares
Which I can bear no more.
I’m begging you please to save my soul
From tumbling into doom.
To teach me how to crawl my way
Out of this crushing gloom.
Save me from the devil’s grip
That closes upon my hand
That tempts me to commit such evil deeds
Like burn my own kin’s land.
Save me from these vengeful thoughts
That plague me as I sleep,
That influence me while I walk or talk
And comfort me as I weep.
Save me from these tearful eyes
That break in so many a place.
And unleash my tears that flow so often
They cut and erode my face.
Save me from all the things I’ve done
And all the things I will do.
Save me from hurting myself
As much as I might hurt you.
Save me from the tortures of life
That have dragged me down so low.
Save me from all these years of strife
And all the pain I’ve come to know.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 8 2011 at 6:52 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more
had it but passed away
as quietly as the day
ebbs from the darkening star.

-emanuel litvinoff

wow powerful