Mirror, Mirror | Teen Ink

Mirror, Mirror

July 10, 2009
By EmJane BRONZE, Quinter, Kansas
EmJane BRONZE, Quinter, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
I see you standing grand and tall.
Peering in your smooth, buffed glass
My body seems a mangled mass.
You make my scars seem
big, lowering my self esteem.
Your eyes hurt me more than my peers
who see my mangled and whisper in eachothers ears.
your ears hear me cry
even though I try
to keep them still.
you make me go against my will as I stare into you face.
I pull out a bottle and drink at a steady pace.
The pills I see in that bag
make me feel like such a hag.
they go easily down my throat,
mirror, mirror please don't gloat.

The author's comments:
I have had a couple friends whose siblings commited suicide and I thought that I would explore the mind of a teenage girl who has been scarred either physically or emotionally. she sees herself in the mirror, but is in such a mental state she thinks its some beautiful, hateful being that wants her to destroy herself. In the end she follows the peer pressure and kills herself.

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