You Don't Need Wings To Be An An gel | Teen Ink

You Don't Need Wings To Be An An gel

July 9, 2009
By Shanel BRONZE, Broad Brook, Connecticut
Shanel BRONZE, Broad Brook, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it. Right is right even if everyone is against it."

When I get frustrated,
Or when I get nervous,
You're always there to calm me down.
When I get upset,
Or when I'm feeling depressed,
You always know what to say.
When I'm weak on my feet,
So down I can't speak,
You've always been on my side.
Never talked behind my back,
Or left me all alone.
I'm thankful for all of the love you've shown.

I've met doctors who save lives,
Firefighters that put out the flames,
A people who donate to the unfortunate.
But I've never me someone who make me smile the way you do.
And I've never met someone who takes my pain away.
You need degrees to be a doctor,
Training to be a firefighter,
But you don't need wings to be an Angel.

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