slow motion | Teen Ink

slow motion

July 5, 2009
By william GOLD, Commerce, Texas
william GOLD, Commerce, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

slow motion
slow motion isn't all it's cut out to be, my heart falls not in two but rather in three.

you walk out hte door with the pebble growing in your shoe, but slow motion sets in and you can't interpret the slightest of my sentence. the car pulls you forward as you leave, i can see in your eyes you truelly meant this

later on in the dying day, from which this day seems to be out of a play, the birds sing gloriously in a miraculous chorus across the sky, but slow motion sets in and it all seems to die.

commonly thought the birds sing from happiness of the smiling day. from a day of promotion or good fortune all you hear is the hip-hoora. sadly birds cannot count b y two's or by three's, yet, they still hear the sad mournful cries coming from me. slow motion sets in and it all starts to flee.

in the midst of the night i am now on a pier with the beer down my throat trailed by tears. shuffled away from civilization yet the door with no knob is far too near.

sleep catches me on my lifeless laying friends and by some miracly my heart starts to mend.

i sleep calmly without a sound or a peep as i fall swiftly in the downy deep, the chain on my ankly begins to weep. slow motion sets in and i never die breath comes out of my lungs, soul out of my eyes. finally i let out a cry so powerful with fright that water goes away with all it's might.

i arise staggling in bed with tears in my eyes and you in my head. i see reality from the strain of your voice, i look in your eyes and i say i love you without a sound or a noise. slow motion sets in then and there. together with butterflies and a lifetime to spare.

The author's comments:
everyone likes things happening slowly. yet some things are better to stay at normal speed.

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