Posotive Perception | Teen Ink

Posotive Perception

July 4, 2009
By Charles Foster BRONZE, Owosso, Michigan
Charles Foster BRONZE, Owosso, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Give meaning to a life that which is not your own.
Accompany a person who seems to be alone.
Go out of your way to lend a helping hand.
Don't settle for a compromise, make righteousness your demand.
Give to those who take & let karma take its role,
& remember to be happy for you only have one sole.
Think about the ones who mean the most to you,
& let them know their loved before your/their life is through.
Keep beauty in your heart & fight for it to survive
& pass your beauty on to those who don't want to be alive.
Surrender to yourself & accept what has to be.
Don't let emotions control your mind but let your emotions free.
Take the time to think about the ones who have your back,
and never let them go because they may never come back.
Love who you will and don't judge them for their flaws,
& let them know you need them everyday just because.
Plant a smile for yourself and those who do not know,
that life is so beautiful so help their smile grow.
Life here on this earth is too short so let life be.
Like a wise man from a band said "Let It Be, Let it Be, Let It Be"
and so i take the time just to let you know
that i love you now and always
& i wont let that loving go

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