Needs of a Child | Teen Ink

Needs of a Child

July 4, 2009
By Emily Cox BRONZE, La Mirada, California
Emily Cox BRONZE, La Mirada, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The need of a mother
The need of a father
The child needing her mother, her father
The child needing a family
But forget the heart’s needs
Think of the child’s needs
The child needs food, water, CLEAN water,
A shelter, somewhere to call home,
Not a home, but a safe place,
A place to imagine better places, a place to IMAGINE
Flashback to a time in your personal life,
The worst time in your life
Is it as bad as it could have been?
If no, then think of what you can do to make somebody else’s life better
If yes, then think of your position in life now,
Is your life still bad?
No? Then still think of the good you can do with all your experiences,
Yes? Then try to always look up, never hang your head, never look down, you are still valuable, you are still worthy, you are still needed, you are LOVED...

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