There's A Difference | Teen Ink

There's A Difference

July 1, 2009
By Keg1Keg BRONZE, Jericho, New York
Keg1Keg BRONZE, Jericho, New York
3 articles 11 photos 1 comment

She told you not to judge her. She told you to stop worrying. She's just an average teen trying to make the most of her teenage years. She doesn't want any drama. She doesn't want any misunderstandings. What do you think she's doing? She's not like the others. Making the most of life does not necessarily mean partying with friends and drinking. She's actually working. All she wants is a better future. She she will do anything she can to achieve that. Stop thinking that every teen is the same as they are clearly not. She's the kind of girl who wants to get everything over with. She enjoys having the feeling of success. Why do you think she's like everyone else? Just because you were a partier as a teen doesn't mean everyone else is. So look how you ended up as an adult. Any regrets?

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