All-Conference | Teen Ink


June 15, 2009
By 400metergirl BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
400metergirl BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roaring crowd yelling my name
you can do this my coach says
its all up to you.
the pressure sets in...
win this for the team
i repeat it over an over.
then everything slips away
as i step into the blocks
no sounds, no wind...
but the sound of the starter.....
push your body
but staying relaxed is the key.
Determination to win..
coming around that curve
you hear your name
they yell for you and only you
passing the girl ahead of you
but 50 meters left.
as you pass the line
the crowd yells in excitment
feeling of pride overcomes all feelings
but its all for your coach, your team,
your family.
for this is the day you will never forget.
Becoming all-conference.

The author's comments:
our 1600relay team,i was last leg, became all conference. the feeling was overbearing,amazing,more than that..more than words can explain. seeing my parents cry along with my other friends parents. it was the best day of my life i will never forget.

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