Shadows | Teen Ink


June 29, 2009
By mollytank14 SILVER, Leysin, Other
mollytank14 SILVER, Leysin, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She breathes easy,
but it’s all a game.
Every move she makes,
every word she speaks.
They’re just an illusion.
She cowers behind her veil of dust and light.
She's got everyone fooled.
Even herself.
She can’t look herself in the eye anymore.
But she plays it cool.
A veil of tricks and words
over the torment and hell
that is tearing her into
A play on light.
And shadows in the night.
But she's got them all fooled.
because it’s nothing if not a game.
Because she is nothing,
if not a game,
A play on light,
and words,
and shadows in the night.

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