Anymore | Teen Ink

Anymore MAG

By Anonymous

Shedyes her hair
and expects it to wash out
away with her dreams
away withher doubt
She goes further and further
into the dye
and covers eachcolor
with another lie
The cycle is endless
a whirling carousel
whereshe is now
none but she can tell
but she doesn't know
shechanges her shoes
repaints her car
and drives for a while
but shedoesn't get far
that phase is over
she just can't get back
and chipthrough the layers
to her horrible past
she wants a discount
on her losttime
and someone to cry to
and repeat the same tired line
I just don'tknow
she's on the road to nowhere
and she's never comingback
she's going in a circle
on a worn repaved track
sometimes shewishes
there would be an end
but then she just starts
on her cycleagain
someone sees through her
another one guessed
who knew that onelife
could get so messed

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

FallenDreams said...
on May. 17 2010 at 3:13 pm
This poem is like how I feel right now. It is amazing and so hard hitting. I love it !