american soldier | Teen Ink

american soldier

June 19, 2009
By punk_princess29732 SILVER, Rock Hill, South Carolina
punk_princess29732 SILVER, Rock Hill, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My ears are ringing because of all the shooting
Young men at home are scared because they started recruiting
All around me I see poor, young men dying
I knew that back home their families would be crying
The gun smoke and the dust is finally starting to lift
Now it is time for our regiment’s position to again shift
Running past the bodies, we try not to look in their faces
It’s already hard enough to forget these horrible places
We have rips in our clothing and blood on our hands
The tears trickle from our eyes in small little strands
The ghosts of the dead haunt us in our dreams
Never before in my life have I heard such dreadful screams
Together we all suffer, the dead, the wounded, and the lucky
Every second the air seems to become a little more musky
In this chaotic wasteland you must either kill or be killed
I don’t think our mental wounds will ever fully be healed
We are all known as the American soldiers, brave and true
It is our job and our mission to protect our nations and you
Our main cause in this war is where we find our strong foundation
Under our God, we will fight until death to protect our great nation
Everyday we have to watch many of our friends fall
Giving up their lives to bring liberty and justice for all
We are not murderers; we just do what must be done
The dreadful feeling never goes away, when someone else dies from our gun
We all grow weary from the constant fear and bloodshed
Many soldiers are sent home, because it is all getting in their head
Remembering our friends and family at home is how everyone survives
The shooting, the killing, the fear, and the death is now a part of our lives
We are all tired of the destruction, the pain, and the gore
But we are the American soldiers, stuck out here in this war

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