A Letter To Lawmakers | Teen Ink

A Letter To Lawmakers

December 15, 2023
By madi-beth BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
madi-beth BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I calculate and curate the perfect move

But it will not matter, they will only disapprove 

I have the degree and every needed qualification 

But they don't care about my education
I'll be trampled over, disregarded, brushed to the side
They wouldn't care about my opinion, no matter how loud I cried
“That's just how this industry works”, they say

“Maybe you'll climb the latter one day”

For my work I receive a penny

For their work they receive a dime

And if I dare advocate for my injustice 

They act as if I’ve committed a crime

Please, do something
Please, make some change
Sincerely, underpaid women in the workforce

I calculate my route

I curate my plan 

Knowing I wouldn't have to if I were a man 

Don't go out at night 

Always be aware, its either fight or flight
Never go running on your own  

It's not safe to be anywhere alone
Please, do something 

Please, make some change

Sincerely, women simply trying to live

Dear lawmakers,
We’re sick and tired of being scared

Of always having to be extra prepared

What we ask of you isn't impossible 

Just do your job, be responsible
We do our job, with a fraction of the pay

All while being followed home and scared everyday

Just to live in a world with laws that don't protect us 

Created by people who don't represent us
Tell me lawmakers, do you resent us?

Please, do something 

Please, make some change

Sincerely, women everywhere

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