In a Single Thought | Teen Ink

In a Single Thought MAG

By Anonymous

On the morning peace had no place in the world,
A soldier was born.
He volunteered an infinityof misplaced memories,
Too graphic and real to remember,
All for thefreedom we know today as the United States.
He survived these war morningswithout flinching.
He knew what risks were and how to use them wisely.
Hetook risks great enough to respect by charging onto the blood grounds everyday.
We remember him and those who died a war-like death on the day of theflag.
The flag means as much to me as it did to those who were there to raiseit,
Silver bullets piercing, cannons being freed, the blood of vaindeaths.
It all remains, no matter how often you choose to wash it;
Fear it without respect.
I may only hope that the bullets, cannons,blood remain
within that flag for grateful generations.
I may onlysalute without needing to go to war and forget it all
and remember it allin a single thought.
I may only bless our one America.

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i love this so much!