Hold On | Teen Ink

Hold On

June 28, 2009
By GabbyB SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
GabbyB SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There have been a lot of starts,
To a lot of stories,
That had some better endings.
But even though,
Life gets harder,
It makes you a lot stronger.
And every step you take
Opens a door,
To a new story in your life.
So when you feel like it’s the end
And you have nowhere to go,
Don’t let go yet,
Just hold on,
Because there's always going to be a blank page
The next day.
Just remember,
To let go of yesterday,
And pray for a tomorrow
And hope that it’ll be the best day…

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 10 2009 at 12:03 am