Princess | Teen Ink


June 27, 2009
By DarlingAngel SILVER, Albrightsville, Pennsylvania
DarlingAngel SILVER, Albrightsville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you believe
in love and dream
and dance
among the stars

you hope,and pray
each every day
for the rain clouds
to go away

when there is
no hope or trust
leaving you
the only one

you ask
for a little guidance
and peter pan
will surely come

So when you fall in love
with a messy, untamed beast
because you have a heart of gold
you see his good beneath

wishing with all your might,
cooking, and cleaning too,
waiting for your prince to come,
and blissfully rescue you

So when your trapped
and all alone,
and pricked your finger
oh my oh no!

you wait for your prince
to give you a kiss
and you awake
because your saved

So when your walking
on your own two feet
don't forget
you still believe
that in your heart
you belong to the sea

all in all
you believe
your a princess

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