Expression of Life | Teen Ink

Expression of Life

June 26, 2009
By Noor Jemy BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Noor Jemy BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They think they’re so great
Drinking their spiked vodkas
Their shoe soles stamped with gold
Thousand dollar Armani suits
Hundred-dollar Valentino glasses
Omega on their wrists
Strutting their surgical abs
Down the Boardwalk
Living in their top floor condos
Acting like the rulers of the world
Their money slipping through banks
As well as beneath the table
Yeah, they think they’re so great
Driving their Bugatti Veyrons
Disregarding rules of speed
Smiling smug smiles
Then f-ing up someone’s life
Twisting the law, bribing with money
Their elastic minds so small
Their egotistical head cramming
Every room they enter
Their lives are just like any others
Yet there they are
And here we are
Kissing their Esquire’s
Wanting praise—or money
Their sneers of disgust
At our normality
And for our respect
These people who think they’re so great
Put our butts out on the street
Our loyalty washed down the drain
And there they sit
In their billion dollar homes
Watching their gazillion dollar TVs
Drinking their spiked vodkas

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