How I Love and Hate My Family | Teen Ink

How I Love and Hate My Family

June 26, 2009
By Bethany Rassel SILVER, Marcus, Iowa
Bethany Rassel SILVER, Marcus, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

How I Love and Hate My Family

They support, love, and are there for me if
Someone close to me dies or gets hurt bad
They are there if I get into a tiff
And it makes me feel really very sad

They motivate me by trying to work
So I work hard to pass all of my classes
Sometimes they can act like a real big jerk
They pick on me because I wear glasses

They come to my aid if I need their help
Sometimes they forget that I’m even there
They are there if I ever really yelp
I want to say that I’m here; so beware

I want to yell at the top of my voice
But they still don’t know that I have a choice

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