I see a sunset. | Teen Ink

I see a sunset.

June 22, 2009
By Jay Selesky BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Jay Selesky BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see a sunset
Beauty and Might,
laughter on the beach
with mosquitoes that bite.

The flare of it’s colours,
the orange,
the red,
the purple and green.
The colours make certain
that no one is mean,

As the night fades
the peaceful silence
ends the day.
Crashing waves symphonize
with the dune grass whistling.

I see a sunset
Beauty and Might.

The world around us is busy,
but this one scenery
seems to last.

I see a sunset
Beauty and Might,
laughter on the beach
with mosquitoes that bite.

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