The Deli in the Sky | Teen Ink

The Deli in the Sky

June 20, 2009
By Alexandra Bushman BRONZE, New York, New York
Alexandra Bushman BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I am going to touch the scratches of long gone planes

That pierce the sky above you

I will be twisting fresh air,

That rises from the burning land around you

I will be standing here where the ocean waves gently

Sway across benath you

I will be the sand that will roll the rocks away

To the depths in front of you

I'll swim and bubble down the liquid aiir and sea so bright and shimmering and share all

I know with the stars

So that when night comes like cool drops of falling rain

I will come bearing wisdom, and lucidity to the subway poet on a dry

Downtown 4 train who ponders life and death and love and all things

On her way home


Reel in your thoughts and contemplate the misty clouds that

Hang above your head and the crackling threads of grass as thins as

The violent wind and broken glass

Engulf yourself in that sting of bittersweet from the sultry sweat

(Can you taste it upon your lip?)

Skin covered in beach sand, stuck in between toes,

(Can you feel it there?)

Hidden, not wanting to be forgotten.

I will climb the mountain and unravel my body and soul along the clouds

They will hug me and the birds will shake my hand and congratulate me

When I am done, and have done all that I can do

I will not fall, I will JUMP

Eyes closed, face first, full speed, and I won't be seared

You will come join me as I fly with the gulls of the deep blue that dip into the sea and cry

And be ALL I can until I die

For it is only then that I will fall from grace like a diamond in the rough

Thundering bass to touch the Earth and tell you how it feels and sense these moments

That are real dreams -- faded into obscurity before the sun rises and all

Reality clears the fury of the moon's demise that start the world on

A brand new day while new thoughts unfurl and the ticking persists

In ten months, twenty-five days, three hours, and forty-eight minutes,

I will be seventeen years old

But until then

Here I'll stay to talk with you because as I've said

Someday I', going to

Just watch me

The author's comments:
Done as an English assignment, based on Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

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