Childhood | Teen Ink


May 31, 2023
By Anonymous

Innocent eyes and hearts so pure

Days of laughter and play

A time of wonder, love, and joy

Full of dreams, come what may.

Oh, childhood, such a blissful state,

Where the world felt so small,

And happiness was a tangible thing.

And where the biggest thing in the world

was the tree that stood so tall.


The sun was brighter, the skies were so blue,

 chasing after butterflies, and picking wildflowers. 

The grass underneath felt like gold.

 Each day was a new adventure.

 laughing with friends for hours 

Those memories will never grow old.


Oh, childhood, where have you gone?

Why did those days have to end?

Though I may have grown and changed,

Those memories will live on.


For those moments of my youth, 

Life was simple, full of grace,

Childhood, oh how i miss you!

In your warm and loving embrace.

The author's comments:

nostalgia of being a kid.

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