Hike | Teen Ink


May 12, 2023
By taylormanne06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
taylormanne06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man walks through the shadowy woods,

a family of bright yellow birds emerges from the deepest wooded area. 

One - the leader.

Dominant, watching over the rest of the birds.

Peeking through the stormy gray leaves.

Two - the servant. 

The right hand man.

Standing upside down for One.

Three - the child.

Playing hide and seek behind the whimsical red ferns, hoping that Four will find him.

Four - the friend. 

Standing atop the light blue bush, looking for Three.

Being a friend, Four looks for Three, even though their bright yellow body makes them stand out in the dark, shadowy forest.

Five - the outcast.

Alone, their only friend, the brown, dirty soil accompanying them.

They look out for incoming predators, watching, waiting.

Six -- the lookout.

Watching, waiting; watching out for undoings done by the birds

Seven -- the pitied.

Hiding, tucked away behind the brush.

Hidden from man.

The author's comments:

Ekphrastic poem inspired by Landscape with Yellow Birds

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