Life's Touch | Teen Ink

Life's Touch

June 17, 2009
By Ashley Hammel BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Ashley Hammel BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Things aren’t the same
We used to be close
But now things are different
People are acting strange
And no one seems to have any class
We won’t be together next year
Why can’t things go back to like they used to be?

I want to just be alone!
I used to lock myself in my room
But now, no one cares to knock on the door…
Everything is just
Harder and
My sister doesn’t understand
I’m sick of her
Childish games
I wish you would just leave

inner BATTLE
I always have to be perfect
The grades
They used to come so
But in 8th grade
That’s not the case

Why am I doing this to myself?
Parents, teachers, peers
They don’t help…
With high school placement, everyone wants me somewhere different
Why can’t I be where I want to be?
My parents expectations seem too high to reach
On top of that, I get double the trouble

I Feel…
Like a little kid again, playing with blocks
I made a big tower!
But someone came and pushed it down…
I don’t know why…

So someone please…

Just make it all STOP!

The author's comments:
This poem is about what teenagers go through in life everyday. Not everyone can see how tough life can be because many people hide how they really feel on the inside. Not everyday is a happy day.

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