Natural Beauty | Teen Ink

Natural Beauty

May 1, 2023
By ilovewriting12 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ilovewriting12 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A new building sits In the heart of this city

Construction threatens natural beauty

That lured residents who were once happy

The trees that once stood tall are now just a memory

The beauty that once was is now a thing of history

But the future knows no limits

And it must be done

Even if the costs Is the playground we once loved

Between the old and the new we must find the balance

So that we can move forward with the green grass we cherish

For beauty is not just in nature but also in the things we create

And if we work together, we can make something truly great

The author's comments:

With lines from “Construction Threatens Natural Beauty That Lured Residents” by Josee Molavi and Emma Johnson, a Pulitzer Center Reporting project.

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