Broken Sanity | Teen Ink

Broken Sanity

June 17, 2009
By Aniytlia SILVER, West Valley, Utah
Aniytlia SILVER, West Valley, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When one cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value the only companion we have from birth until death, ourselves."

A dark hunger that claws at me

That constantly pulls

Writhing and struggling in a battle against my will

Strong as stone and iron

Sharp like searing flame

It pulls at me

Dominating my attention

A monster that dwells within so deep

A metallic scent laced with sweet tang

I fight against myself

A horrible stinging pain

It draws me deeper and deeper

With swirling shades of blood red and venom violet

Lancing shards of smoke and ice

Fragmenting waves of flame

They crash down over me in alternating tides

Striking both thought and breath from me

To the point where my heart no longer beats

A thick pain that claws at me

Teaing ragged holes into my soul

Tainting me with blackness and madness

Anger and fear

Cruelty and hate

A crystal shatters in the light

Loud and sharp and infinite

It echoes out throughout the night

Broken as my sanity.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after a brief episode of depression I was going through and it is currently in a writing competition at under my profile name of Aniytlia. I wrote this a while back, just trying to describe how the world seemed to press in on me from all directions and smother my thoughts up with uniformity and monochramatic greyness.

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