Too-long Toenails | Teen Ink

Too-long Toenails

June 12, 2009
By Alex Kloos SILVER, Evergreen, Colorado
Alex Kloos SILVER, Evergreen, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The clippers never really work that well.
They break and snap and pinch and catch and smash.
Just trying to get rid of nail from hell.

Too close to feet that very often smell,
To aim like basketball into the trash.
The clippers never really work that well.

Some do not make it too the sink, don’t tell.
They fly so quickly-sometimes in a flash.
Just trying to get rid of nail from hell.

The money I could make if these could sell.
My pockets full of wrinkled, wadded cash.
The clippers never really work that well.

A hangnail is the worst- now that ain’t swell.
As painful as a bloody, gory gash.
Just trying to get rid of nail from hell.

At last a victory! I start to yell.
This nail is now a goner, has been smashed.
The clippers sometimes really work that well.
Just trying to get rid of nail from hell.

The author's comments:
This is a fun, lighthearted Villanelle-format poem in iambic pentameter

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