How i feel | Teen Ink

How i feel

June 12, 2009
By Kelly SILVER, London, Other
Kelly SILVER, London, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

How i feel. I feel like just running away.
Running away to get away from it all.
From the stress, the drama, the b****ing and the everything else that adds to the strain of my horrible pain.

I feel like i just want to be someone else, in someone elses shoes.. I mean my so called 'life' isn't as bad as i make out.
But it's not as good as what it could. Oh my god i just want to shout. Shout out my emotions throughout all the comotion.

Sometimes i feel i just want to have someone there to reassure me that everythings ok. Yeah, I have family and yeah I have 'friends', however, no matter what anyone says you don't know who or which to trust. I know this sounds pathetic but sometimes I feel like I just want to be in lust, and someday soon i have to make it a must.
I want someone to be there when i feel down, low and oh soo..

All that i've experienced.. The pain, the sorrow, the shame and the feeling of no tomorrow.
All of it, i just can't take it any more cause now it's getting lame. Every day, every minute and every second it's still the same.
I feel i cant take any of it no longer.
You might even think if I carry on it'll only make me stronger..
How i feel for now and probably tomorrow..
I don't think i'm gonna be able to run away, away from this sadness and sorrow.. How i feel.

The author's comments:
One or a two swear words in this poem hope theres problem with that.

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