try;believe;hope | Teen Ink


June 11, 2009
By baysideincolours27 BRONZE, Glastonbury, Connecticut
baysideincolours27 BRONZE, Glastonbury, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

nothing, nothing, nothing.
you are nothing.
you feel nothing.
pain, that's your medication.
not pills, not love, no.
you put yourself in uncomfortable situations.
you want to mutilate every inch of your body.
you feel that you don't deserve good.
that you don't deserve happy, love.
but let me tell you, you do.
just live for it.
strive for it.
I believe in you.
I know sometimes, its gets hard.
harder than hard, where words just cannot describe whats going on in here.
you're head is a mess, but let me clean it up.
let me help you.
please, take my hand, let me guide you.
so next time you want to pick up your little friend, think of me, think of the future we can have.
think of help, love, hope.
don't let this defeat you, don't let him take control of you.
you can do this.
i believe in you.
when you're so low, where you can see no other options, except out,
when you cant move a inch of your body,
I'm begging you, just believe.
believe in yourself, like i believe in you.
believe in hope.
believe in love.
they are real.
believe that you can, and will, get through this.
just one bit of hope, is all you need.
close your eyes,
picture that hope,
and let it grow.
let me grow.
let me subdue him for you.
you don't need to do it alone.
just believe that we can, together.
because i believe that you can.
no matter how hard, no matter how hopeless, worthless, you feel,
you are somebody,
and you are alive.
you do deserve love and hope.
you're strong, and you will overcome this.
right now, I know you can't promise me anything,
because promises are too hard,
i know you'll have to trust me first.
so all i can as of you is to try.
try until you can't anymore,
no matter what,
TRY, because it's al you can do.

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