Indigo Sparks of Time | Teen Ink

Indigo Sparks of Time

June 10, 2009
By Indie BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Indie BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I am electric
a battlefield of cosmic emotions
hating to love
and loving to hate
but I remember how I stopped hating her
when I couldn't see the difference between us

I am porcelain
grabbing music from the dust
trying to make sense of the impossible
writing and re-writing words

hoping someone will understand them

when baseball cards and Aquarius scatter
into dancing indigo sparks of time
those who have made friends with fate
well enough to change
will reverse the ironic circus

of adolescent thinking
as I fall from this dream

so I’ll hide you under my pillow
a whisper, a shadow, a secret
you are a distance not measured by miles
you are rules of concrete
but defiance of something stronger

you are legend
a mystery I will someday solve
as midnight insomnia and plotting ally cats
steal away my dreaming

you are a stranger
a memory I am compelled to contemplate
as I trace your footprint
on my mud slick driveway

you are a ripple speeding on a highway.....
So close.
yet so very far away.

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