Hunger | Teen Ink


June 10, 2009
By Amanda Ritter BRONZE, Center Valley, Pennsylvania
Amanda Ritter BRONZE, Center Valley, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel my stomach gurgle.
I feel the dirt floor in my hut.
I feel the weakness in me.

I taste the tears that trickle down my face.
I can taste the meal I wish I could have.
I taste the saliva in my mouth.

I hear the people the people sobbing and fighting over food.
I hear the silence every day.

I see the bones stick out of my skin.
I look around my little hut waiting for my next meal.
I see weak people walking about.

I smell rotting bodies sitting.
I can smell all the animals that are dying off.

The author's comments:
This poem was written for Language Arts class. We had to pick a world issue poem. Every one pretty did everything else then poverty, and that is becoming a very big problem in this world today.

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