Summer Days | Teen Ink

Summer Days

June 8, 2009
By Ashley Fox BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
Ashley Fox BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind whispers "Hello you" through the blades of grass,
tickling my cheek as I run my fingers through the Earths coarse hair.
A ladybug glides to a rest stop on my nose.
I look up at her and smile,
she flutters away.

A bird soars over the horizon, swoops down with sly eyes. Bird catches the helpless worm
by surprise.
She carries it home to her young,
which are waiting in the high-tops of the trees.
She is home.

The bees, they buzz. Search searching for sweet nectar.
From flower to flower they fro.
I dare not move an inch,
for my skin seeks no pinch
from a yellow jacket.

But I perk up for the sun is playing peek-a-boo behind the hills.
She radiates kaleidoscope colors that kiss the clouds.
Like lightning, each day her rays change.
I stay and watch her set. Nothing else is as breath-taking as this.
And with a blink of an eye, she's gone.

Her friends, the twinkling stars,
shine so bright with all their might,
but are of no comparison to the moon who is the night-light of the darkening hours.
Day is slipping away like water slipping through a hand.
I walk home, sweet reposition waits.

I lay down in my bed,
but before my slumber, I gaze up at the dark abyss of night once more.
Remembering the beautiful day which was.
I let the windows of my eyes shut their blinds until tomorrow,
where a new adventure lies.

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