The Carnival | Teen Ink

The Carnival

June 7, 2009
By Bryan O&#39Connor SILVER, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Bryan O&#39Connor SILVER, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Carnival

Tart tastes, soft sounds, whirling grounds
Extends the lengthy laughter, before not after
Living at the very edge of town
Queezy knees and everyones pleased
so the maestro takes a bow
The ride stands tall the pinnacle of all
It explodes before our eyes
Take three steps over, tilt our heads back
and watch them kiss the skies
I'd like to go- its colorful
and my intuition says to try
So I sit down, strap in and
I start feeling very alive
Crick crick crack what was that? Swoosh!
I could only die...
But from that height i saw the night
and my fear did subside
As we floated down to the ground
I had never felt so right

The inevitable is so incredible
I will gaze into its reminiscent eyes
Deep with eternal grief it weeps
Pondering deathly existence until it dies
I'd like to go- i feel wonderful
since I flew though the skies
So I left that place with a happy face
Invincibility brewing inside

If only things were as simple as
being catapulted into the sky
The air is much fresher there
and only clouds pass us by
a year could pass, the feeling would not last
and nothing will ever feel as high
If only love's sweet gander
wouldn't float away dissipate and die
And if only death's simple existence
would not hold back the wandering eyes
I'll tell you once my marigold muse
you can hold me until i cry
But from that height i saw the night
and my fear did subside
I'd like to go- it could be wonderful
My intuition says to try.
And from that height i saw the night
And a carnival of emotions has buried me alive

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