Searching | Teen Ink


May 30, 2009
By EmeeleeBrill BRONZE, Wales, Maine
EmeeleeBrill BRONZE, Wales, Maine
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Trees swaying in the breeze,
Branches waving greetings to each other.
Leaves quivering, shaking, rocking,
Whispering secrets back and forth to each other.
Birds sitting on the branches take off in flight,
Shaken off as if they were water on a cat’s back.
A leaf, then another drifts to the ground.
Ripped off by the breeze, and floated to the grass.
There they lay, along with a few other of their companions,
A sharp comparison to the green grass.
Brown beside yellow beside orange beside green,
A beautiful layout of colors.
A sudden action, a chickadee leaps onto the leaves,
In search of a meal of seeds.
A blast of wind, however, sweeps him almost off his
Feet and he throws out his wings for balance.
Then, he took off again, into the air
And flew into safety.

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