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May 29, 2009
By Porsha Shackelsord BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Porsha Shackelsord BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My years on this earth
I had an internal birth
Even though it’s sad to say
But after my grandmothers death my emotions repaid
I became CONTENT
Not only because she is physically free
But I became free with my lips
I’ve had the ability to find who I was
And like my aunt said yesterday “she had to die so people can get off their butts”
I’m seeing it now and how proud she would be
Meaning the maturity and the progression that was made thru my family
So now I’m content with seeing what my family is capable of
It is sad to say she had to die before I showed more love
I mean of course I’m still mourning over her death
Because I know her presence reached my Depth
But still the word CONTENT is repetitive
Because I know now I can fully live
I had a lot of responsibilities as a kid
And I had to watch her suffer and cry and still try to live
And we had to do for each other mentally, and spiritually
Even though sometimes we didn’t get along, the world is what she meant to me
I find it now that all my writings are about her
My Loving, Strong, and Accomplished GRANDMOTHER
So all my life it was because of her I was happy
So I’m going to keep writing about her and stay CONTENT in reliving the memories

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