Cultivation | Teen Ink


May 29, 2009
By Justin Nitzberg BRONZE, Chesterfield, New Jersey
Justin Nitzberg BRONZE, Chesterfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could take all we've ever come to be
I think I'd put it in a seed
Plant it outside and watch it sprout a tree
To tell the story of the human creed

I'd like to think the bark was our personality
A unique representation of who we are
Solidifying our quest for individuality
But if abused, it's likely to scar

Let the branches represent our actions
Striving to reach beyond the sky
But under the lure of earthly distractions
Our limbs might break and fall to die

It's leaves could act as our feelings
A bouquet dancing to the wind of life
Alas, sometimes we're crooked in our dealings
And the leaves stop dancing and become stiff as a knife

Of course then the roots would be our soul
Hidden beneath layers of time
Without it, we'd simply be a wooden pole
For others' branches to slowly climb

And here we are, two symptoms of creation
Staring into each other like a mirror
Thinking back to our harmonious formation
What makes us whole is becoming clearer

And finally the tree and I agreed
We're only here because of that little seed
And although we're wilting and close to earth
We're one spring away from our own rebirth

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