Destiny | Teen Ink


May 29, 2009
By Christian Taylor-Williams BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Christian Taylor-Williams BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Amazing the world is...
A new corner turned a what seems every moment;
Who knew I'd be friends with her, or with him.

Attitudes override the dreadlocks, the tattoos,
teh faces, respect earned, perhaps.

I dream in autumn colors.
But my waking life is in the way.
How can I get back to my refuge, my hollow?

Sit still. See what happens. Then,
Let it go. Let it all go.

I will manifest my own destiny.
My charm is infectious, to me anyway.

As a boy, I'd buld forts,
Look for tadpoles, climb trees, be, well, be.

As a boy, I'd do cartwheels, ride dirt bikes,
and learn to spit "the right way,"

Some years passed now,
Can I still, can I now just be, just be?

The author's comments:
It's a Spoken Word. Enjoy :-)

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