Bondage | Teen Ink


May 28, 2009
By Anonymous


At night I imagined you were with me
I rested my head against you
Heard your heart thudding- deep base
Mine the scurrying footsteps of ants
The nervous drumming of my fingers on a desk
You held me tighter
I breathed the raspy gasps of a chronic smoker
As my cheek pressed against your pale chest
Flames engulfed my cheeks like wildfire
Burning against your icy abdomen
All common sense ignited like brush in the flames
Reduced to castles of smoldering ash
On the scorched forest floor

I begged you to sink your teeth into my pale white skin
“Drink my blood,” I whispered. “Every drop
Savor every sip until I lay limp
Curled against your muscular body
A dead weight crushing your heart
Then stroke my livid skin
Still my quivering spine
Revive me
But not enough to leave you
Imprison me in your pulsing heart strings
Loving bondage
Crush me against your chest forever
Until the day that I wither to dust which slips through your clenched fists
Forming piles at your feet
Drink my blood. Drain me. Keep me.”

You drank
And though you licked and smacked your lips
Like someone longing for one more gulp
Of their cherry soda
You missed a drop thank God
Yes one drop clung to roof of my vein
Resisting the aimless tumble through the pit of the whale’s stomach
And that single drop
Boiled and churned into a steaming red broth
When you betrayed me
It permeated through my limp legs
Which carried my disfigured mass
Of loose skin and jumbled bones
To my friends

They gave me a blood transfusion

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