Slowly, but Surely | Teen Ink

Slowly, but Surely MAG

May 28, 2009
By Destiny Wilson BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
Destiny Wilson BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society, ethnicities, the frickn UNITED States
The rules of the game are as follows:
you must look, talk, and dress alike,
flat out don't appear to be different.
Is this how our country is run?
I'm not sure of the handbook that states everyone is the same –
high schools, workplaces, and public ­playgrounds
are separated by color, dress, and word choice.

I refuse to be a part of these
disconnected States which we call the United States

you are the reason, the reason, the reason …
wrists bleed,
all because she refuses to be a part of
the rules of SURVIVAL,
and why the bridge has become a place of
disconnection instead of its purpose …
To connect, support, and simply get across.

He sags his pants, which he doesn't really know
is really a jail thing.
Where they take your belts so you won't
hang yourself.
Because what's the point, it's in the ­handbook, right?

Society, you're killing America,
slowly, but surely.

Take a stand; be united, instead of divided.
Go to that bridge and tell
all the blacks, whites, and anyone else
who's ready to jump –
that they are beautiful and everything in this world needs to SURVIVE because they are different
and you will gladly hold their hand to the ­other side.

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