His Beautiful Pet | Teen Ink

His Beautiful Pet

May 28, 2009
By Chlosepher BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Chlosepher BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked out to center stage singing my voice was at a perfect pitch. Preping I did three backhand springs, two cart wheels, and one round off. The crowd roared in applause. My eyes scanned the crown. Bernie sat in the front grinning at me. I did one more backhand spring to wow them and flashed a smile to win their hearts. Again the crowd roared with excitement. Bernie joined me on the stage wrapping his arm around my waist. "They love you kid. America loves you". "Yea Bernie". (Yea america loves me, they all do...except for him). I turn to look behind the curtains where he stood. His face full of guilt and pain. Tears ran down my cheeks, mascara and heavy eyeliner followed. The crowd awed and Bernie squeezed me. "Ooooo no folks my beautiful pet is sad". Sucking in air I turned to face the crowd. With a smile I lifted my head high. "You all have been so great. It was and always will be a pleasure. Maybe next time we'll dance and laugh together. Until then...That's All Folks".Blowing a kiss the theatre grew dark as I released more tears.

The author's comments:
This piece is about love and how you loose it with too many distractions. Someone always gets jealous or can't handle the pressure of pleasing everyone. The stage and crowd represent life. And The Beautiful Pet is the girl putting on a show. Bernie is almost like the ring leader controlling everyone helplessly. And the boy she cries for left her because he could handle the pressure of it all.

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