Teddie | Teen Ink

Teddie MAG

By Anonymous

When I was small, I carried around my teddy
Actually, I have a collection of a dozen or more now,
and one thick book on the man himself.

Headstrong, asthmatic, charismatic,
he led the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill,
which he remembered as the most glorious of all his days.

Ascended to the throne after Tecumseh took McKinley,
the child who was considered just a weakling,
became what he always aspired to be.

Our country expanded, for better or worse,
favorable trusts circumvented the Square Deal curse,
as rabbits roamed the White House grounds.

Fallouts with Hanna and Hay,
his heart broken in a time too many,
Teddie will live on in the hearts of small girls like me.

When I was small, I carried around my teddy
Acutally, I have a collection of a dozen or more now,
and one thick book on the man himself.

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i love this so much!